If you’re a fan of crocheting granny tiles, then you’ll know how rewarding and versatile it is to create unique garments with this technique.
Granny tiles are truly fascinating! It’s amazing how such a traditional art can still be so relevant and adaptable to multiple purposes, from clothing to handbags.
If you want to make your pastime even more meaningful, why not consider using eco-friendly yarns for your projects?
We present a garment that not only expresses your unique style, but also your commitment to a greener world: the Eco Crochet Vest.
A summer vest that celebrates uniqueness, made from the Eco Crochet yarn made with the revolutionary ECOTEC process that uses pre and post consumer cotton textile waste, reducing waste and incineration.
An eco-friendly yarn with heart and soul.
Don’t miss this chance: download thefree template now!